Raising finance problems ...

Most entrepreneurs say that one of the most difficult parts of being in business is raising money

Raising finance for your business can be fraught with problems and can be difficult. Sometimes you need funding to support the growth of you business - an exciting time - you can see the opportunity and the rosy future ahead. You now just need to convince lenders of your vision and your ability to make it a reality. At other times you may need emergency cash to see you through a bad debt or an unexpected cost that can threaten the survival of your business. You need that loan now so it's vital that your books and accounts are in good order so that you don't have to waste time getting your paperwork in order to demonstrate that your business is solvent and a low risk investment.

Do you need to invest in new equipment but don't have the funds? Is your order book is full but you don't have the cash in the bank to pay for the materials you need to manufacture  and deliver orders to your customers? Can you use your order book to raise money? Are you short of cash for the next few weeks, then due to be paid by your best client who always pay on time - you just need a short term loan to tied you over. Are you having trouble getting a mortgage as the traditional lenders don't accept your accounts accurately reflect your business success? Do you keep applying for loans but keep getting turned down; what can you do? 

The 3 stages of Raising Finance: Planning, Applying, Securing

Succeeding in getting the finance your business needs

To successfully persuade an investor to fund your business, project or product, you need to:

  • Know how much funding you require and the type of funding.
  • Have a business plan backed up by accurate facts and figures - you need to be credible.
  • Choose the right investor or source of funding that will look favourably upon your proposal.

In other words, you need to plan. Put together a persuasive credible application backed up by accurate, up to date figures. Finally, you need to know the right people to approach for funding.


Do you know what type of finance your business needs? Is it a short term loan to tied you over a cashflow shortfall or investment in assets such as new machinery? What security can you offer? Is there an alternative to borrowing money? Do you need to improve your credit rating?

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Applying - Your pitch

Depending on the type of finance you need are your books and accounts in good order? Do you have a convincing business plan? Do your cashflow forecasts look strong? Do you have the support of a qualified accountant with a good reputation in the industry? Do you have a strong credit rating?

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Securing finance

Confused by the array of finance products on the market? Concerned about the costs? Do lenders keep turning you down but you don't know why? Are you unsure which is the best type of finance to arrange? You want to use a reputable lender but are unsure which one to choose?

Discover the Wood and Disney way with our ...

 Raising finance is not always easy but we can give you the best chance of securing funding.

Using cloud accounting software and with quarterly meetings to ensure that your books and accounts are up to date, Wood and Disney ensure that you will always have up to date, easy-to-understand information that’s attractive to lenders. Our team are highly experienced in helping our clients secure finance and will support you through all stages of the process. We’ll make sure we position your business in the best possible light, giving you every chance to secure funding.

Wood and Disney are expert at providing finance solutions.

Wood and Disney can help you secure the funding your business needs. Take a look at how we can help you.

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