Strengthening your business solutions

Solutions to strengthen the business you have today

Protect what you have, gain knowledge and confidence in your own ability, control your business for reliable cash flow and healthy profits.

Protect and strengthen you and your business for stability and resilience


Running a business involves taking risks but not to the point where you could lose everything you have achieved so far.

Wood and Disney identify potential threats to you and your business's security in the future and the measures you’ve already taken to minimise those future risks. Once we know your vulnerabilities, we go through them one by one and take action to minimise the risks.

Security Today ~ Wood and Disney ring fence assets that you have already acquired. To limit today’s risks; what you could lose if things go wrong both from a personal point of view and for your business. 

Security in the Future ~ Wood and Disney think ahead to future risks. We identify and make sure you have in place business and financial structures, insurances and the right legal frameworks to protect your personal and business assets if the unexpected happens in the future.

Find out more about ways to protect and strengthen your business ...


Achieve a stable business giving you steady, reliable profits and cash flow.

Wood and Disney carry out a thorough review of where your business is today it becomes clear which aspects of your business you need to develop. We give you the knowledge to collect and analyse your business numbers with confidence and show you how small changes can play a huge role in your company’s momentum. Are there holes or weaknesses in your business? Where do you need to make improvements? Is your business profitable and have a healthy cash flow? We give you help understanding how to put the right business strategies, structure and systems in place.

Wood and Disney put in place training for you and your staff where appropriate to make sure the knowledge you need to run a successful business is not just skin deep. After all you want to be able to go on holiday without spending the time worrying about whether your staff have the knowledge and experience to handle things whilst your away.

Find out more about ways to gain knowledge and strengthen your business ...


Planning gives you predictability ~ it gives you choices. 
Control makes those choices become reality ~ it gives you stability.

Wood and Disney make sure you have the right systems to monitor:

Budgets and cash flow forecasting ~ Is your cash being collected quick enough? Are you comparing your actual costs to your budgets. Have you set budgets at all?
Finance ~ Real time bookkeeping, key performance indicators, management accounts. Are you making a high enough profit margin? Are you making sure you are taking into account all liabilities including potential tax liabilities. 

Wood and Disney put in place the right planning and control in your business gives reliable cash flows and healthy profits.

Wood and Disney have helped many of our clients strengthen their businesses giving them reliable cash flow and healthy profits.


A business without strong foundations will not support growth and will inevitably stutter and fail. Protecting your business from future threats, ensuring that your cash flow and profits are stable and reliable and putting in place systems and controls so that you know what is going on in your business not just at the top level, such as cash in the bank, but at all levels through your key performance indicators, will ensure that your business is stable and ready to grow.

With Wood and Disney's advice and support we can ensure that your business is resilient to the inevitable downturns in the economy and not only survives the bad times, but thrives, ready and able to grow. A stable business gives you the strong foundation upon which you can sustainably grow. 

Take a look at our solutions to help you deal with the challenges that face your business

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